I am not saying you were wrong to be pissed at him.
But if you lay him out regardless of what he did you will be viewed at
a hostile guy.

Know what i mean jelly bean?

On 11/18/05, Paul Ihrig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> its wasn't a firm handshake
> it was a lets see if i can make you say ow type of shit.
> you know when you try to make the other guy drop.
> i didn't mention small world to the hr person all i said was:
> " if you interview other people you may want to let the jr. programmer guy
> know to lighten his handshake a bit.
> other wise he may get hit."
> i wouldn't say i have anger management issues. I'm pretty passive most the
> time.
> i have aggression issues. if i feel there is aggression steered toward me, i
> get very defensive.
> only has happened with 2 people in the last 5 years or so.
> this guy being 1 of them. the other was a neighbor who was into ham radios &
> could set off or stop my car alarm completely with a hit off a button....
> and did i know him?
> not sure, looks like some one i have seen around. just not sure where.
> maybe i stole his girl friend 15 years ago or beat him in a pit some
> where...
> who knows, these days every one looks familiar...
> i don't care.
> was just curious if any one ever dealt with out right aggression at an
> interview.
> i am not going to pursue jack.
> some one else may though, never know....

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