> Sam wrote:
> movement. Seems like the press is helping us lose. I'm not saying
> ignore what happened but it was a minor story spun into a major abuse
> story.

Policy is not about right and wrong, it's about speculation and debate.

The Bush policy has been to stay the course, do nothing different.  If
we judge progress by deaths and public perception, this is a losing
policy.  The 2nd 1000 Americans died faster than the first and 40+% of
Iraqis think attacks on Americans are justified.

Mr. Murtha's suggestion is that it's our presence that is causing the
war and that by pulling back to a extra-border position we'll
accomplish a few things:

1.) Remove a target and recruiting tool for disaffected Muslims
2.) Force the Iraqis to provide security for themselves.
3.) Relieve American troops and prevent more American deaths.

This is, of course, speculation.  However the only responsible
response is to say why the Administation's course will result in a
different outcome.  Which they're not.

If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've
always gotten.

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