choked a bit and couldn't remember all the router configuration
commands but queen of partial credit that I am still got six out of
seven -- I'll take it. Since all my online tests are in the high
nineties and I do well with paper and pencil tests (and have seen
networking terms before) I am pretty confident about the final and
therefore the class. It might not be an A but I think it will. Knock
on wood :)

The skills final was HARD though, you had to calculate a subnet,
identify properly made cable of the proper type and hook it all up so
that 2 linux and 2 xp boxes talk to the router. All that for a lousy
ten points but that's an entire letter grade so...

bottom line, the skills final was ok and I lived to tell the tale, but
the outcome was in doubt there for a up, skills finals
in NOS and red hat on Monday...


On 12/1/05, Ray Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how'd the final go?
> Dana wrote:
> > ok sam I am out of my final now so once more I will make the time to
> > respond to a poorly defined criticism of a misconception.
> >
> > RE: works. Depends on what you want it to do. It's a proven
> > anticoagulant. There is a theory, and that is why it shows up in all
> > these supplements, that it therefore improves memory, though I
> > personally suspect that it simply prevents strokes in the elderly and
> > perhaps helps alleviate some small ones.
> >
> > There has not been a lot of research on it, because it is very hard to
> > standardize a dose, for one thing, and they aren't really sure how it
> > works, for another. But this is on memory. I take the stuff because,
> > hello, I almost died of a blood clot last year, and I'd rather avoid
> > that if possible. There are a lot of uncertainties in anticoagulation
> > and I decided I'd rather drink Rock Stars than take rat poison; so far
> > it is working give or take an ER visit or two.
> >
> > RE: something you thought you read, which turns out not to be what you
> > thought you read, except that some guy said what you thought also....
> > no comment.
> >
> > Dana
> >
> > On 12/1/05, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>When the first guy told me I thought he was just being funny.
> >>Second person I was curious and pressed and he told me he tried it for
> >>a week and became forgetful like locking keys in the car forgetting
> >>why he entered a room and so on. The kind of stuff that you might
> >>happen on occasion but became the norm for a week. We're talking
> >>strictly short-term memory.
> >>The third person told me after I read it in the news so at that point
> >>I assumed it was common knowledge.
> >>
> >>
> >>On 12/1/05, William Bowen wrote:
> >>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>According to the article Ginkgo biloba doesn't make you forgetful, it
> >>>just doesn't help improve memory.
> >>>
> >>>Ok.
> >>>
> >>>I don't take the stuff myself so I can make no claim to the contrary,
> >>>but I go through periods of time when I am forgetful and periods of
> >>>time when I am really sharp (everybody does I would imagine). It has
> >>>to do with lots of factors, sleep being the primary, amount and
> >>>quality of food has a role too. Maybe these three folks are different
> >>>or more in tune with their bodies, but to say it was definitely one
> >>>thing that caused the forgetfulness is pretty amazing I should think,
> >>>no?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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