Remember also that in the tax year that you close on your house, you can 
also write off all of your closing costs. The year I bought my house, and 
then a few years ago when i refinanced, I saw huge tax benefits.

And now that you are itemizing, don't forget your property tax on your 
autos...that's deductible.

> Disclaimer: I am not a tax lawyer, preparer, CPA, PA. I do not profess
> to actually know what I am talking about, nor will I claim a clue when
> it comes to taxes.
> Your mortgage company should provide you with a lovely form within the
> next two weeks (must be postmarked before the last day of January).
> on it you will see several numbers.
> total amount of dollars paid (try not to vomit).
> total amount of interest paid, this will probably cause dry heaves (if
> you horked on the first number)
> total amount of principle paid (this will probably make you cry)
> now, the second number, the interest you paid, will fit nicely in your
> Schedule A (Itemized Deductions) in your form 1040.
> of course it means you also have to itemize your deductions (all of
> them, you can't really pick and choose)
> The other stuff I am not so sure about, but I don't think you can
> claim repairs or improvements as deductions.
> I recommend TurboTax online ( if you haven't got a
> lot of deductions. I've been using it for several years now, and it is
> really cool (to the tune of several $K!!)
> ....or perhaps a trip to your local H&R Block-type establishment would
> be in order.
> --
> will
> "If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
> and that would just be unacceptable."
> - Carrie Fisher

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