On 1/11/06, Tim Heald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> BTW we are not just animals and instinct.  We are humans, men.
> We are rational.  We can use reason.  This argument is insane.

That's a philosophical belief based on human biases. Scientifically,
the word "instinct" is a sort of nebulous catch-all for behaviors
who's roots we don't understand the cause of yet. As we continue to
make advancements in things like the genome project and neurosciences,
processes which have been attributed to instinct become better
understood. There certainly does seem to be a compelling difference in
the psychologies of humans and other animals, and there's still a lot
to learn, but concepts like "rational thought" and "instinct" are
based on early Greek philosophical concepts used to explain a jumble
biological processes that still aren't all scientifically understood

A classic work on some of this is On Aggression by Konrad Lorenz
published in the mid '70s. And as you can imagine, a metric shitload
of knowledge discovery has happened in the intervening decades and we
still have a long way to go before anything is absolutely understood.

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