I dont care about being rich, but that doesn't mean I plan to be on
the street ;) I'm quite happy to be a reasonably affluent taxpayer ;)
I just won't cut throats to be Donald Trump. Not worth it for me. But
there is a middle ground, and you have found it -- the idea that a
safety net is amongst the few things that are important enough that a
government should p[ay for them.

On 1/10/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Cam wrote:
> > Poor granny out on the street may have made some poor decisions in her
> > life, but she's in not position to fix them at this point, and likely
> > not capable of earning an income on her own either.  She should
> > probably be helped out.
> >
> Yes, but here's the problem I have with what Gel and Dana have been
> saying and/or implying (correct me if I've misunderstood):
> Somebody has to pay to help Granny out.  So when somebody says they
> don't what to be rich, but do want Granny off the street, they're
> really saying they want somebody else to pay for it.
> However, where I think Dana is going is to say that she already pays
> her taxes - plenty to help out Granny - it's just that they're being
> misallocated.
> If that's all true, then I agree.  Get rid of farm subsidies and pay for 
> Granny.
> In fact, wouldn't it be refreshing if a Presidential candidate put out
> a list of all of the things taxes should be used for and promised, if
> elected, to veto funds for anything else?  That'd be awesome.
> Assuming they followed through.
> I bet an Alaskan bridge wouldn't be on that list.

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