glad to hear that this is going the way you want.


On 1/12/06, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a note for those that are interested.
> The air-quality and toxicity tests won't be back for a few days (lab work
> needs to be done) but the preliminary report is very good.
> The inspector was able to peel the boards he needed (the basement isn't
> paneled after all but rather actual planking... much nicer than I thought).
> He found no evidence of mold behind the walls.  If the spots of mildew
> return he noted that we could easily sand down those boards that were
> affected and refinish just them without demolishing the entire lower level.
> He found no mold in any of the other likely spots (behind the washer/dryer
> or utility sink, under the basement kitchen counters or the attic).  He
> couldn't find any actual water or seepage (even tho' it rained all night
> there).  The rooms were damp but in the 60% range (not nearly as damp as I
> feared).
> He noted that the central air conditioning did indeed route through the
> basement rooms and in the summer-time that would be more than enough to
> dehumidify those room during those months.
> He suggested that the primary moisture problem may be that the gutters are
> buried (they go straight down into the soil next to the house) and that the
> (presumed) dry wells they're going into may be clogged.  He suggested that
> just redirecting the gutters away from the house would probably eliminate
> much of the moisture.
> He did note an usual patch of "black stuff" behind one wall but it didn't
> look like mold to him.  He took a sample for analysis but he thinks it was
> just something left over from the initial construction (a dirty handprint or
> the like).
> We're still not committing until the final results are in... but right now
> the outlook is very good.
> Thanks for all the help, even in the face of my pig-headedness.  ;^)
> Jim Davis

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