Suggestion 6: .. If you are super-duper anal, unplug all of your computers, 
cancel any ISP accounts, really the only security at all ;)

I am in the process of setting ipChains and Masquerade at home for some of 
the computers. I am still waiting for the processor to come in. I figure it 
can't be to hard. I have setup a linux box to do routing of real IPs, fake 
ones shouldn't be that difficult.

At 09:39 PM 1/10/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Disabling file and print sharing over TCP/IP is a really good idea ..
>especially since a cable modem is a shared connection.
>Suggestion 1: .. dump Black Ice and get something a little better.  I like
>Zone Alarm.  Black Ice works fine, but Zone Alarm works better.  You can
>tinker with it more ;)  Plus, it blocks some stuff Black Ice doesn't
>Suggestion 2: .. If you have another network card, put it in one of your
>machines and that card a private IP address.  Disconnect the cable modem
>from the hub.  Plug the cable modem in to the original card and plug the new
>card (with the private IP) into the hub.  Get some NAT program and install
>it on the computer with the 2 cards and set it up.  Wingate is an easy one
>to use.  The free liscense allows only 2 computers to connect, but there are
>. ahem .. ways around that.  Give your other 2 computers private IP
>addresses and have them use the private IP address of the 2 card machine as
>their gateway.  Now 2 of your computers are not directly connected to the
>internet and are all that much more secure.  You can give those 2 real
>addresses back to the ISP .. especially if they are charging you for them.
>If you are really interested in good security, find youself an old computer.
>A low end pentium, like a 90, or 100, or something will do quite nicely.
>You can get by with a 386 and a 3 1/2" floppy, but you can't 'tinker' with
>it :)  Anyway.  Install a copy of Linux and set up ipchains and ip
>masquerade.  this gives you NAT and a a very nice firewall (as long as you
>have a strong ruleset) :).  You can also install tripwire and portsentry ..
>both nifty anti-intrusion tools.  There's a bit of a learning curve, but
>there are HOW-TO manuals all over the Internet.  I was able to firgure it
>all out in about 5 afternoons of reading how-to's and just messing around.
>If you aren't interested in playing around with something like that, though,
>the Wingate solution will work fine.
>Suggestion 3: .. Get a copy of L0phtCrack (aka LC3) from and
>audit the passwords on your network.
>Suggestion 4: .. go to and download ad-aware and let it
>scan for those damned spyware programs.  This is minor, but still .. might
>as well get rid of them while you are at it :)
>Suggestion 5: .. If you are super anal, you can grab a copy of PGP
>( and encrypt your E-mail, or any
>potentially sensitive files on your hard drive, floppy drive, CD-ROM,
>If you have any questions about the stuff I have covered so vaguely, just
>gimmie a hollar, as we say down in these here parts.
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