Its Friday....its drink o' clock all day!!!!

I don't envy you dealing with Ikea on the Purley Way....

Your week sounds like my month is going to be.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erika L. Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 January 2002 14:29
To: CF-Community
Subject: HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

<big huge sigh>

I feel so much better, been a hairy week ...

I had a deadline to get an app up and working 90% by today. I'm at 85%,
almost there, mad at self for not having it done, and voila! ... the
customer just rescheduled our appointment to Monday, so now I can breathe.

<cf_minirant type="relief">
We moved into a new house.
I lost internet access all day Tuesday, and half of Wednesday.
We have no hot water, but they are coming to fix it today.
Everyday this week has seen a new install-it person come to install
something, so I haven't been able to leave the house.
We've done trips back and forth to the rental agency to IKEA to the hardware
store and back several times.
Been unpacking in the midst of all of this.
We still have much to put together and tidy up, but it's almost there!
Then I get to do it all over again in April when all my boxes from the
states arrive! Yeah! <sigh>

Is it drink 'o clock yet?????

(with a K)

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