ok, slice our brother's heads off, video tape it, send it to your
fucking friends, and them have them send it to that tv network
that is in cahoots with bin laden, ok, cool!

reap the backlash... from a band of hoodlums.  fuck them.

wtf.  fuck them.  fuck them. fuck them.

On 2/3/06, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *chuckle*
> Provoke the people and reap the backlash.
> Just as France has done before the riots.
> Claiming there is no discrimination against muslims and legal
> immigrants in their country and then intentionally reposting an
> insulting article to do nothing more than further insult a people.
> Then wonder why they feel marginalised, persecuted, and so very
> frustrated and angry.
> The hubris of the Western World and its former Colonial Masters seems
> to know no bounds.
> This also does not excuse the behaviour, but 'reason' is a point of view.
> I think the reason behind reposting the offensive imagery was
> certainly not an honourable one. It was f***ing stupid and arrogant.
> On 2/2/06, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So exactly how is kidnapping a German man, making hundreds of bombing
> > threats, shooting into the Norwegan embassy (so that it had to close),
> > etc, advancing Islam?
> >
> > I can see which side of this is appearing more and more reasoned, and
> > which is not.

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