I bet that people would pay a hell of a lot more attention to who they elect
if everyone went through a period of mandatory conscription. 

Tim Heald
-----Original Message-----
From: William Bowen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 10:56 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: military recruiting on college campuses

> No shit!!!  Kids these days are, in general, horrible.

These damn kids today... no respect, why in _my day_. Blah-de-friggin-blah.

no offense... but doesn't that make your kids and mine part of the problem?

And to further that particular logic, doesn't that mean that _we_ as parents
have failed them?

Now, I receive complements on my kids' behavior all the time. They _are_
courteous and respectful to their elders and to their peers.
Sometimes too much so. I'm sure you do too. And yes, there are kids who get
away with murder. But really, the whole "things were better when I was a kid
-- we were more respectful" line is bullshit.

Old folks (people who're, like, in their 30s, man) were saying that about
us, and saying that about the generation before. All the way back to Zog and
Thag and their kids' "monkey business."

I am against mandatory conscription. Here is why. Because of the possibility
of chicken-hawk wing-nuts like Bush (and his cronies) getting into office,
and starting wars of revenge or expanding a legitimate theatre's of
operation into a mission from Gawd.

If my son or daughter wish to enlist or join via ROTC after college, I will
support them in their decision. I have family members currently serving in
the military (My brother and sister-in-law) and have had family (father,
uncle, grandfathers, great-uncles, etc.) in military service (in combat and
support roles) in every conflict (except maybe Tripoli - alas no Bowen in
the Corps...) this country has been involved in since the American
Revolution (and even before).

If they choose to enlist, then it is their choice. They will have weighed
the risks, they will have done *the math*. Conscription takes away that very
important power of choice. And I for one do not believe that my son or
daughter should be forced into a situation like that with _anything_ other
than full knowledge of the risks involved.


"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true; and that would just be
- Carrie Fisher

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