Ah those aren't morals. Morals is right vs wrong. Some people believe
something is acceptable, but that doesn't make it right.

Going to war is morally wrong, however, we sometimes accept the moral
low road to ensure that the good guys don't win. As humans we make a
choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing. We accept the
consequences of our actions internally and externally.

I don't think homosexuality is immoral, I don't think it is right or
wrong. It just is.

Is it wrong to kill somebody, yes, is it immoral, yes, do we do it at
times because we think it is needed to ensure survival of our selves or
others. Yes, should we change that? No.

Self Defense is a good example. Just because human law allows for things
like self defense, but the individual must live with it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:04 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Being Gay: Nature or Nurture?
> > But isn't the protection of liberty a morally based ideal?
> > Morality isn't arbitrary.
> > It is wrong to kill somebody; that is a morally based
> > idea. The reason
> > we have a law for it is because we believe it is wrong to
> > for one
> > individual to directly hinder the rights of another
> > individual.
> Morality is very subjective.
> Slavery is still an accepted social norm in several places. The moral
> judgement of countries in which slavery occurs is that slavery is
> okay. Yet in the US morality says it's wrong and laws are passed here
> to prevent it.
> George Bush doesn't believe gay people should have the right to be
> married. That is his moral judgement. The moral judgement of many of
> us is contrary to his, believing that gay people should have the same
> rights as heterosexuals.
> Eskimos as a result of scarce resources will kill the grandparent
> generation after a certain point, which is unthinkable to any of us.
> That's a moral judgement. We believe it's imoral - they do it out of
> necessity. A number of other cultures have historically held a system
> of morals which included ritual suicide and/or human sacrifice -- both
> of which are considered absolutely imoral in our culture today.
> The phrase "Live Free Or Die" which became so popular it's now the
> motto of New Hampshire, is a moral judgement which places a greater
> value on freedom than on life, and a lot of people have died defending
> precisely that moral judgement.
> Even in our culture, there are exceptions to the "it's wrong to kill
> somebody" moral - self defense, involuntary manslaughter, capital
> punishment, stopping genocide (sometimes - depends on the people
> they're killing) and overthrowing governments which are known to (not)
> be in posession of weapons of mass destruction all being cases in
> which it's okay to kill someone(s). I'd almost venture to say that in
> our culture, morality basically says it's okay to kill someone as long
> as a) they're a bad person or b) they live in a 3rd world country.
> There are countless examples.
> The only thing that even comes close to a universal human taboo is
> incest, for which there are numerous documented instances of
> culturally accepted (even expected) exceptions.

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