It's largely an upper respiratory infection that the primary care doc refuses 
to take seriously because "these things usually clear up on their own." 

(pause here for major eyeroll) 

Apparently it is considered Bad Medecine to prescribe antibiotics for 
respiratory infections, but acceptable for patients to require codeine syrup to 
breathe afterwards, because then you get to give lectures on the dangers of 

I am fairly annoyed about this, if you can't tell -- I have a ten-year history 
with this and I keep being told condescendingly that I have a cold that will go 
away by itself. It never does, but by the time the issue arises again they have 
switched my doctor and I get to do it again. I have been patient about this so 
far because nobody knows how the herbal preparation (which does tha same thing 
as the antibiotics, which do work when I get them, incidentally) anyway, nobody 
knows how the herbs interact with coumadin. 

So I was hearing, well, you will only be on coumadin for six months, can you 
just trust your doctor with the respiratory infections? Uh huh. And so I start 
to get one and I go in and tell my story and they look at me like I just told 
them I read romance novels and am working on my GED and tell me it will all be 
fine, "these things usually clear up by themselves." 

(pause here to kick a wall)

But I am tired and pissed and no longer willing to be sick for three months at 
a time because conventional medecine believes as an article of faith that colds 
go away by themselves. So they do, but in me they trigger some sort of 
inflammatory process that always always always requires heavy duty medical 
attention. This is the best guess as to how I got two cracked ribs last fall...

Anyway, rant over. Bottom line is, I have now been officially told that I have 
some sort of undiscovered clotting disorder and that I'll be on coumadin 
long-term. So we're either going to resolve this or we are going to find out 
how coumadin interacts with lotus root rhizome :)

I do think a dry nose is also part of it. I do already have a heated humidifer, 
but when I use it my nose gets all stuffy and I take the mask off in the middle 
of the night because I can't breathe. Then the medical plan gets huffy and says 
that if I don't use it they will take it away. ::mutter:: I have had some 
success with Ayr saline gel. I do appreciate the suggestion though, and your 
time spent listening to this rant. 

> Is your nose hurting because it's drying out?  If so, you can get a
> mister for the CPAP that will fix it.

> Is your nose hurting because it's drying out?  If so, you can get a
> mister for the CPAP that will fix it.

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