you are NOT in government are you.
You do not set the policy of your nation,and the US is a democracy,
which means that the present Administration was freely voted in by
Americans. So how can you expect people outside America to be of the
opinion that these guys just happened to get into power and it has
nothing to do with the will of the American people?

People on this very list say that they think they have a choice
between a party that knows what it wants and goes after it, and a
party that doesn't seem to have a they vote for the
party that knows what it wants. Others say that the US is a 2 party
system and one of the parties  is non functional, so they vote for the

So 33% of people agree with the president, but all may vote for him
again if given the chance for various reasons.

So you can talk about Americans not espousing the policies of their
current leadership till you are blue in the face, it does not affect
the policies and the actions of the US.

The will of the US people appear for the most part to be irrelevant in all this.

On 4/21/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You, of all people, should know this kind of goofy paranoia is BS -
> you talk to Americans every day and only one of us, Sam, is an
> Autocrat.  The rest are, to one degree or another, highly critical of
> this administration and its policies.

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