Sure, there is more to civilization than military might, but great
civilizations have always contributed across the spectrum. The Chinese
invented gunpowder and cannons, but they also invented kites, acupuncture,
and many other things.

The Roman Empire conquered all of Europe with military might, but they also
invented paved roads and arched building construction among other things.

Both ancient Chinese and Roman art, language, and literature continues to
inspire people today.

The same can be said for Spanish, British, and Dutch empires of the colonial
era. The same can be said for ancient Egypt, the Hindu empires that spread
all the way to Indonesia, and the Muslim empire after it that spread from
Arabia west to Spain and east to Indonesia.

Civilizational conflict occurs when one group attempts to impose its will,
especially its cultural values, language, religion, etc. on another group.

On 5/5/06, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Culturally?
> Try the Amerindian tribes living in Trinidad.
> Their social structure, their adherence to peaceful values, and their
> tolerance of the differences between the members of the tribe, oneness
> with their environment has yet to be matched by either US culture or
> Spanish.They also mirrored some of the same notions of beauty and
> practices as the Egyptians strangely enough.
> They were wiped out.
> There is so much more to being developed than who has the biggest gun
> and who can turn who into glass parking lots.

Robert Munn

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