There was definitely concrete problems, but nothing criminal was ever
proven (since it is all about intent, not incompetence).

For example, in Florida, they banned a bunch of people because they
had the same name as a convicted felon. They were provably NOT the
person, but they were stricken from the rolls. And never told. So they
went to vote, and were then told they couldn't, and there was not
enough time to fix the issue, so they couldn't vote.

It turned out that the state election commission was aware of the
issue well before the vote, but decided that it leaned in their favor,
so were slow to fix the problems.

Fortunately, in the aftermath, they now have to tell a person when
they areremoved from the rolls, with enough time to fix it before an

There were a number of these problems (not all in Republican districts
or states, and more than enough examples to see it was considered a
valid tactic by both parties, which just sucks so bad).

On 6/12/06, Nick McClure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, it didn't come down to that state, it was just the last state to
> certify the votes. There were several close states, and many could have
> shifted the election.
> I think there were issues, sure, however if there were all these things that
> people have been talking about, why haven't people been arrested?
> Why were people turned away? Was it a legitimate reason? Were they not in
> line at the proper time? Did they not bring their ID?
> I have heard conflicting reports about this stuff, and none of it seems to
> add up to anything concrete.

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