whatever. Pintos sucked. 

>Famous for exposing the dangers of the Ford Pinto?
>More recently, it has been argued (in a well-known 1991 law review
>paper by Gary Schwartz [2], among others) that the case against the
>Pinto was less clear-cut than commonly supposed. Only 27 people ever
>died in Pinto fires. Given the Pinto's production figures (over 2
>million built), this was no worse than typical for the time, and far
>less than the "hundreds" claimed by the consumer safety advocates
>whose allegations are largely responsible for the reputation of the
>vehicle. Schwartz argues that the car was no more fire-prone than
>other cars of the time, and that the supposed "smoking gun" document
>showing Ford's callousness actually referred to the auto industry in
>general rather than the Pinto specifically.
>On 6/14/06, Dana Tierney wrote:
>> >

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