> Sam wrote:
> You advocate legalizing drugs but dismiss the users? How does that work?

I advocate legalized, but regulated, drugs.  Like Morphine.

Making drugs illegal is foolish for the same reason all do-gooder laws
are stupid: you can't legislate morality or intelligence.  But making
drugs illegal is dumb for an even greater reason: it's a health issue.
 It's like criminalizing anal sex because it can transmit AIDS.  It's
a totally meaningless and useless law.  People will have sex no matter
what the law so if you want to prevent AIDS there's only one method:
education and awareness.

You can't legislate intelligence or morality.  Just ain't gonna work.
Never has, never will.

So I'm saying that drugs should be legal, but regulated.

If you're going to try to attack me with my policy positions, at least
be smart enough to understand them; otherwise you end up the fool.

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