Murtha has lost all credibility. If we had listened to that fool, we have no
idea if the Iraqis would have even formed a government by now, and we would
have not killed Zarqawi and recovered all that intel from his safe house.

1. Possible, but that's the chance we take. They have to want a free and
peaceful country. The north and south will be fine, it's the center that
could become bloody.

2. Al Qaeda in Iraq is SOL. They can still do damage, just like they can
almost anywhere, but the Iraqi people are now largely sick and tired of
them, as the captured documents indicate.

3. Iran has no reason to invade a friendly, Shiite-run country. No one else
in that neighboorhood is going to do shit because they realize the price
paid would be way too high. No one is going to forget what happened to
Saddam, basically as an extended result of his invasion of Kuwait.

On 6/16/06, Gruss wrote:

  There are 2 HIGH
> probabilities:
> 1.) As soon as foreign forces leave, law breaks down and civil war breaks
> out.
> 2.) As soon as foreign forces leave, Al Quaeda REALLY turns up the
> heat and overthrows the govt.
> 3.) Iran or another country invades.
> It doesn't take a genius to see that Iraq is wounded bird.  As soon as
> their protector leaves the vultures will swoop in.
> IMO, the only good solution is Mutha's suggestion: Pull back (not out)
> and smack down threats as they pop up.
Robert Munn

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