The federal government under the Bush admin tried to get Stephen John
Jordi, a white guy, sentenced for terrorism but the judge refused.
These guys in Miami were trying to work with al Qaeda, which made it
If the Palestinian guy was working on his own he wouldn't be
considered a terrorist according to Judge James Cohn.

On 6/23/06, Jerry Johnson wrote:
> If a Palestinian Muslim man stole guns from his neighbor in Maryland,
> blew up his neighbor's house, and had concrete plans to blow up a
> national landmark, would it be terrorism?
> With very little argument.
> In this case, the only difference is the possible race/religion of the
> possible terrorist and his target.
> So, the question is, is he being given a pass because of this
> race/religion, or because of his target?
> I can guarantee if this man was a Muslim, he would immediately be
> label a terrorist until proven otherwise, regardless of target.
> I think that if he is white and middle class, then he would only be
> labeled a terrorist based  on his target and motives.
> If he planned to bomb a government building, he would be labeled a
> domestic terrorist.
> If he planned to bomb a black church or a synagogue , he would either
> be called a white supremacist, or a good boy (depending on the
> prejudace of the speaker), but probably not a terrorist.
> If he planned to bomb an abortion clinic, he would either be called a
> hypocrite or a hero, depending on the religious fanaticism of the
> viewer, but probably not a terrorist.
> So, I think it is a case of racism/religious bigotry first, and idealogy 
> second.

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