This chart tells a different story.

The spending just keeps going up. There was a point where it went down after
the 1st gulf war, but sense then it has gone up.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 9:06 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: bush executive order limits federal eminent domain
> > Nick wrote:
> > I don't think the split in the two branches makes any real difference.
> Then you think wrong.  It's a historical fact: when the same party
> controls the Presidency and Congress, spending skyrockets.  When it
> doesn't spending drops.  It's exactly what happened during the Clinton
> years.
> Further you get a check on presidential power which I think we
> despartely need right now.  During the Clinton years Congress spent
> $400 Million investigating him which resulted in zero indictments.
> Some might say it was a waste of money, but it sure kept a check on
> power.  And the money was a blip compared to the pork spending
> happening now.
> If the Democrats get controll of Congress in November you see 2 things
> happen immediately:
> 1.) Huge congressional investigations will turn up all kinds of abuses
> of power.  (there's already convictions without them!)
> 2.) Bush will veto his first spending bills.  Because they'll be
> Democrat spending bills.

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