Tom (and others on the thread, lurkers, etc.)

I've been watching this discussion over the past day or so, on this list
and CF-Talk, as well as a few others (most particularly the Church-State
issues, which seem over-reactive to us Aussies, for whom this simply
isn't an issue).  What comes to mind is that the way people are treated
and react on these lists is pretty much a factor of their own attitude.
Let's take a couple of obvious cases as examples:

1.  Ben Falloon, a fellow Aussie, who cops more than the average number
of heated responses accepts that he has a controversial (pretty much
hard-left-leaning) stand on many of the socio-political issues discussed
here (Israel, globalisation, refugees, elections, etc.).  But he also
accepts that that stand means he wears a big target for the more
moderate->right leaning members of the list, and he doesn't get worked
up over it.  While his discussion may be frank and often in-your-face,
he's not going to get offended and slink off because someone tells him
something he doesn't want to hear.

2.  Tom, as the newcomer to the list you also have a view that is pretty
controversial, albeit your stand isn't political.  Rather, you speak
from a position of concern for the industry and your business.  And
rightly so.  However, in making his controversial comments, you seems
not to want to hear views counter to your own.  In fact, Tom, what I see
is you getting all uppity about being informed where a thread should run
(Community as opposed to Talk), and uppity again over being told by a
number of folk well and truly in the know that your position, according
to the current available knowledge, may well be incorrect.  That said,
you may well be right on the money and a few folk here may be forced to
eat humble pie.  Nonetheless, I don't think your position is tenable
when you resort to insult and belittling of discussion participants
because they disagree with you.

If you didn't want open and frank discussion over your controversial
post (and if you didn't understand it would be controversial, you need
to think before engaging finger to keyboard), disagreement, people
making counterpoint to your point and a few opinions different from your
own, you shouldn't have posted in the first place.

I guess what I'm saying is take a word of advice - DON'T get worked up
over something that was obviously meant to cause dissention unless you
are prepared to argue your point in an informed and controlled manner.
If you can't manage that, take a word of Aussie advice and "pull your
head in".

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