> gMoney wrote:
> Religion, or faith? Is all faith evil?

No.  Faith is part of spirituality and that's something we should all
explore.  Religion, however, is the part that says I'm right and
you're wrong.  And that's the part that creates suicide bombers, the
inquisition, the Dark Ages, the witch trials, etc.

Faith and spirituality should be very *personal* things.  Forcing your
spirituality and lifestyle on others is the evil part; look at all of
the wars, murder, and death it causes.

As an example, many devoted Christians I speak with have the same
line: "you to pick one religion because it's about your afterlife!
Your soul is on the line!"

Why?  Why do I have to pick one?  They could all be right.

And then there's the Bible.  Many people believe it's the Word of God.
 Yet, for example, they have pictures of themselves and their kids.
That's a Bible no-no: graven images and vanity.  But they'll spend
hours telling you how "the Bible says ... blah blah blah" but then
ignore those things that are inconvenient for them.

Catholics have who process for ignoring parts of the Bible!

Further, my opinion is that the Bible is a flawed book of Man giving a
rough translation of *some* of Man's experiences with God.  Anyone
that wants to argue it isn't better know Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew as
well as be a historical scholar.

And, either way, they should keep this to themselves since faith is
personal.  But, sadly, religion typically tells them not too.

And that's where war comes from.

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