Sakai has some community support behind it, java based, there are a couple
in the community that might have some insight into it and/or Blackboard. My
company (not a university) tried out blackboard but our training
coordinators said it wasn't useful enough in a corporate environment so we
still have our own homegrown. I'd use blackboard over moodle assuming
upfront cost is not a hindrance...overtime I'd be interested in the support
costs for moodle...


On 9/10/06, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all
> the university I'm working at is ditching it's CF-built LMS for
> Blackboard.
> Anyone here using Blackboard in conjunction with ColdFusion?
> (hey M!ke, does this still apply to you?)
> I'm especially interested in anyone sucessfully using Blackboards Java
> API with ColdFusion, perhaps to build "Building Blocks" with.
> Also wouldn't mind asking about platforms you're running on Blackboard on,
> etc.
> this is a really specialised area, applying to maybe a handful of ppl
> (perhaps less) so feel free to contact me off list at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (to cut down the noize to others). I'd really
> appreciate the chance of asking a couple of quick questions and
> promise not to be a pain in the ars...)
> thanx
> barry.b

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