i had a septoplasty done (in conjunction with a few other procedures)
and yeah, it hurts.

lots of saline is a must, as well as lots of clearing out the crap (i
know blowing your nose hurts, but it'll help in the long run).

so, yeah, as reassuring as it might be, the pain is within normal
parameters.  i was warned ahead of time that it was a painful
procedure, so had the expectations set.

one thing that did exacerbate my procedure was that i ended up with an
infection and an abscess.  i called the doc a couple of days after the
procedure complaining about the pain, and he basically said "pain's
normal for this procedure."

by the time i got in to see him, the pain was still there (and i
couldn't breathe thru my nose, which was the more telling indicator
since by that point i should have been able to do so easily), he took
a look and saw the abcess and...well, not to be too terribly
graphic...popped it.

a few days and a few antibiotics later and things were good.

if you're in -that- much pain, i suspect there's a possibility that
you -might- have an infection :\

On 9/25/06, Paul Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, so last Thursday I had a septoplasty...
> Over the years, I've had several things that have pointed to me needing
> one... Nosebleeds, acute hayfever, snoring, sleep apnea, going deaf when I
> get a head cold, pain in my wrist when I have hiccups (the most bizzare
> symptom ever!)...
> In the end, I had the septoplasty, a sinus flush and they took a look in my
> ear because I've been deaf since Christmas just to make sure that there was
> no permanent damage.
> Anyway, everything seems to have gone fine and the surgeon was happy with
> the procedure. My hearing is better (although not yet perfect), they
> straightened my nose up so I'm a bit prettier than before which I wasn't
> expecting and I escaped without so much as a bruise which everyone that sees
> me seems to be impressed by.
> The thing is, although I'm not bruised, I am quite swollen and my face feels
> like it was ripped off and put back on. The pain at the moment is
> excrucuating and I'm told I can expect this to continue for 3 to 4 weeks
> along with an uncontrollably leaky nose and ear for the first week. Right
> now, it's so painful, it is actually meaking me sweat and "breathe with
> clenched teeth" which is a first for me as I generally have a high pain
> threshold.
> I have an appt. at the doctors tomorrow but I thought I'd get other
> experiences from people that have had similar stuff done in the past and I
> recall a few people mentioning having a septoplasty done in the past... So
> the question is, was there as much pain for you as I'm describing? I haven't
> slept properly since the procedure getting 2 hours max. at any given time
> and I'm getting toward the end of my tether so to speak...
> Any reassurance that this the pain is within normal parameters so to speak
> for this type of procedure would be great. If it is temporary, I can cope
> with it because I know it's temporary.. I was expecting pain, just not this
> much...
> Paul

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