On 10/9/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Cam wrote:
> > So, I hear complaints that "companies" and "the rich" don't pay enough
> > taxes, then when they start paying more, that's also bad.
> >
> "The Rich" and business don't need to be paying any more in taxes and
> they should be paying less.  The problem is with spending, poor
> forecasting/planning, and an electorate that votes for candidates that
> promise cake AND a feast.
> The problem with business is the unaccounted for costs that Dana
> frequently brings up.  For example, GE dumping PCBs in the East River.

And the lack of accountability in general, and the power they hold sway
over us with as a people, Re: lobbying, pork, and other methods of
"Buying" what they want.  The democratic process isn't supposed to
work that way, last I checked.  Maybe that doesn't bother some people,
but personally, I'll never have enough money to buy the changes I want
in our laws, or government.  At least not till payday.

Guess that's the alternative, right? Fight the system with the system,
a la, make a bunch of money and purchase the needed changes?

I don't know about you folks, but personally, it pisses me off that
big business (specifically, the recording industry) for instance,
has the power to limit what technology is produced in the states.

That's just an example of one thing that's pissed me off.  And don't
get me wrong, that turkey shit has been going on for years, but it's
amazing to see what happens when a real "good old boy" gets
a position of power.  From the FDA to the EPA, rules are bent for
those who play like the people in power want them to play, and
applied forcefully, if sometimes not legally, to those who don't
"tow the line".

Don't get me into the obvious conflicts of interest the Prez and
Vice Prez have re:oil and other big business cronies.  Clinton's
real estate scandal, etc., is tiddly-winks in retrospect, compared.

All politicians are slime- I think that's part of the definition, right?
Don't even get me started on the farce that's "Insurance".

Heh.  I'm silly, I know.  Those two ain't specific to big business,
or the people with the money or whatever.  Just a couple of
other things I like to rant about.  I am ranting, right?

Anyway, the rain is beautiful right now... poor balloonists!

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