Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester fought her way through an enemy ambush south of
Baghdad, killing three insurgents with her M-4 rifle to save fellow
soldiers' lives -- and yesterday became the first woman since World
War II to win the Silver Star medal for valor in combat.

The 23-year-old retail store manager from Bowling Green, Ky., won the
award for skillfully leading her team of military police soldiers in a
counterattack after about 50 insurgents ambushed a supply convoy they
were guarding near Salman Pak on March 20.

After insurgents hit the convoy with a barrage of fire from machine
guns, AK-47 assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, Hester
"maneuvered her team through the kill zone into a flanking position
where she assaulted a trench line with grenades and M203 rounds,"
according to the Army citation accompanying the Silver Star.

"She then cleared two trenches with her squad leader where she engaged
and eliminated three AIF [anti-Iraqi forces] with her M4 rifle. Her
actions saved the lives of numerous convoy members," the citation

Hester, a varsity softball and basketball player in high school,
joined the Army in 2001 and was assigned to the Kentucky National
Guard's 617th Military Police Company, based in Richmond, Ky.

Six other soldiers with Hester's unit won awards for defeating the
ambush, leaving 27 insurgents dead, six wounded and one captured. They
include Hester's squad leader, Staff. Sgt. Timothy F. Nein, who also
won the Silver Star.

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