definitely not by reading the local bush apologist rag. My only answer
is Google News. You can't believe everthing that turns up there, but
it certainly gives you a diversity of points of view.

On 11/12/06, Denny Valliant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/12/06, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ....
> > a million legal ways to invade Iraq.
> > Perhaps, but would the population have supported the move so heartily
> > if all it involved was 'Doing the right thing'?
> At that point, I'm pretty sure the pop would have gone along with whatever.
> He could do no evil, right after the attack.
> What I'm getting at, is that the UN and whatnot was pretty much backing
> what we were doing, but good old GWB had to push it (and I'm one to talk
> I guess, as I tend to push it myself, but anywayze ;) even further, ya know?
> Break the law, spin information, make our Intel folks look bad, etc., etc..
> There really wasn't any reason to do all that.  It's sorta, well, blatant 
> greed.
> I keep seeing it.  I thought they'd be smarter (they, is, well, whoever) than
> to keep attacking our civil liberties.  I mean, come on, they get busted
> spying on US citizens, which was bad enough, but then they have to try
> this military commission thingie, which frankly, I think contributed to the
> fall of the Pubs.  Torture? Sure! But don't call it torture, k?  Pbbbt!  Stuff
> like that... eh...
> > Nope. I don't think Americans would have gotten behind that for so long.
> > A move like that would not have won Bush two terms in office. As soon
> > as things started to fall apart they would have wanted his head for a
> > poorly executed operation.
> I don't know.  There's been so much "evil" put forth by these jokers, and
> the way they used and abused the media...  It's sad.  The stuff I heard
> on Democracy Now, for instance... I couldn't believe people weren't up
> in arms, long before this.  Long before 9/11, actually.  The things that
> were done to protesters, for instance, and Mr. VP's obvious conflicts of
> interest... I mean, either 90% of us were asleep at the wheel, or the
> control of the media was so complete that 10% controlled everything
> and made it look like the 90% went along with it...  It's hard to tell. I
> don't know even a million americans I could ask, if you grok. :-/
> > Also, the whole'Bad Thing' about people equating the Actions of Bush
> > to the Actions and Attitudes of Americans? It already started. It sort
> > of became rooted after the US voted him in for a second term.
> Yeah, I was flabberghasted when that happened.  He'd already screwed
> over the conservatives, so I had been sure they'd ditch the fool, but, I
> guess, while at War and all, it's rare, even if we're taking it in the rear
> without even some spit to ease the friction, soToSpeak. :-P
> I honestly don't know if we can trust that his election, and re-election,
> were on the up and up.  The first one, for sure, had some hokery-
> pokery, and I'm still pretty sad the "general populace" never seemed
> to get that fact.  I mean, the mainstream media was obviously broke.
> That's probably the most depressing part, I reckon.  Without info, how
> can anyone even know any better?  Bah.  Preaching to the choir, for
> those who care, and just spewing rhetoric, for those that don't, as
> always.
> Sheesh, I sure am cynical for someone so cheery. =]

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