Bush revealed his desire to increase the military's size worldwide in
an interview with The Washington Post, days after the Army's top
general, Peter Schoomaker, warned that the service would "break"
without more troops.

Gen. James Conway, commandant of the Marine Corps, said Saturday that
one option under consideration by the president is sending five or
more additional combat brigades, which equates to roughly 20,000 or
more troops.

The five or more extra brigades would, he said, be units already
scheduled to go to Iraq in a later rotation. But he added that using
those troops now would mean "a lesser capable" force in the future.

"You better make sure your timing is right," he said. "Because if you
commit the reserve for something other than a decisive win or to stave
off defeat, then you have essentially shot your bolt."

The Army's Schoomaker told reporters last week that a surge would make
sense only under certain conditions.

"We would not surge without a purpose," Schoomaker said. "And that
purpose should be measurable."


Is it just me or has everyone actually written off Bush?  I wonder
what the Ministries of Truth are saying these days ... are there still
believers?  I've heard there's 12% left that still believe in him but
it just seems like everyone has finally concluded that he's a

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