here's my list

1) get my lame ass back in the taekwondo studio on a regular basis
2) drop about 20 lbs and get back in competition shape(my goal is 175lbs)
3) get my financial house in order
4) continue to be on the lookout for new music projects
5) don't just grab any project for the sake of getting back into it
6) continue to seek help for my AADHD
7) figure out what *I* want and need in a political candidate, and vote 
8) make sure that I'm worth the fat salary that my job pays me
9) try to make more money in 2007
10) be the best husband, friend, son, brother, uncle, and pet food giver 
person that I can be

Scott A. Stewart

"Robert Munn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01/02/2007 06:50 PM
Please respond to cf-community

        To:     CF-Community <>
        cc:     (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD)
        Subject:        Re: New Year Resolutions ... Or not?

Awesome list! Your weight loss and training program was a very inspiring
story to follow.

On 1/2/07, Erika L. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is not what you think . don't care what you plan on doing this year
> ..
> Everyone always goes through the motions of setting up new year
> resolutions . but does anyone reflect upon what they accomplished the
> previous year?
> I am going to focus on some of the positive stuff, rather than the
> negative that has happened, and still continues ...
> 1. I made it thru a breakup/divorce (well, almost there. but still
> good.)
> 2. I made it thru a horrific time in my business.
> 3. I lost over 100lbs and ran several hundred miles.
> 4. I met a wonderful man who treats me like a princess.
> 5. I finished 14th in a bid for a WSOP seat out of LIVE tournament of
> 160 players, after finishing 38th out of over 2000 people in an 18 week
> league to get to the final tournament to start with. Out of those 18
> weeks, I won 4 times, finished 2nd 3 times, 3rd 4 times and numerous 4th
> thru 8th finishes to maintain points. All LIVE games at local bars.
> 6. I put up over a dozen new websites for customers in 3 countries,
> whilst maintaining dozens of others.
> 7. I am still alive, healthy, walking, talking, hearing, seeing, and
> have an awesome assortment of friends. :)

Robert Munn

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