who are perhaps known in Iraq as "the valiant few who are willing to
martyr themselves to remove the infidel invader from our land" Sam,
think about that. It's all a matter of definition. The Bushies should
understand that -- they are good at definitions like that. Did I ever
mention that it's ok for an oil company to pollute the water supply
for an entire state because the definitions of pollution have been
revised to exclude oil products? Google Otero  Mesa.

On 1/19/07, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are you talking about? There's a small portion of the population
> causing the terror. The rest live in peace and their economy is
> starting to do well.
> There was a video on CNN the other day about the terrorist kidnapping
> people and putting them in booby-trapped cars. There suicide bombers
> aren't even terrorists anymore, they're also victims of the few that
> want total power.
> On 1/19/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sam. They think we are occupying their country. Fight for freedom
> > doesn't come into it in their eyes, and possibly not at all. You've
> > been drinking the KoolAid again.
> >

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