no ;) I didn't. Nice try though. I have however previously made the point
that this is a point of view that almost certainly exists and does not
respond easily or well to a surge in tanks and soldiers ;)

You keep saying that most people support our presence there, but the
facts do not support this. I believe it was that dangerous radical
George Will who recently cited a poll that said 80% of respondents
considered us foreign occupiers.


On 1/19/07, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Didn't you used to cal l them freedom fighters? I gess it depends on
> which side you're on.

> As I said, most do not support the terrorists so only the terrorists
> consider themselves martyrs. Since they are now using innocent
> victims, the willing to die pool is obviously getting very small.
> On 1/19/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > who are perhaps known in Iraq as "the valiant few who are willing to
> > martyr themselves to remove the infidel invader from our land" Sam,
> > think about that. It's all a matter of definition. The Bushies should
> > understand that -- they are good at definitions like that. Did I ever
> > mention that it's ok for an oil company to pollute the water supply
> > for an entire state because the definitions of pollution have been
> > revised to exclude oil products? Google Otero  Mesa.

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