By the time they figure it out, it will probably be too late.

I expect this to be on the news shows all weekend.

Companies just have not yet grasped the speed of these Internets. Your
reputation can be trashed in a day or two of non-response.

For me, this is a lesson to be taken seriously. When you step on your own
(insert hip reference to male reproductive organ here), you better have a
plan in place to get the word out. Just like you should hae a plan for if
your ISP goes under with no notice, or you get a DNS attack on a long

On 1/19/07, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Read this today on Snopes. This company should be ashamed of itself.
> >
> >
> Well I will agree that the representative of the company should be ashamed
> of him/herself.  I will reserve judgment on the company for the moment until
> I hear more about how it responds to this comment generated by one of its
> employees.
> I can imagine that an individual overstepped themselves and the company is
> working through a process to determine how they fully want to respond to
> this.

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