Moodle rox'n.  Good stuff.  > Thousands of folks using it.

Now, I'm incredibly biased.  WebCT and blackboard can eat a bowl.
A bowl of weenies.  I seriously have a problem with both of 'em.

I'd run with moodle over those two packages in a heartbeat.

Moodle has a good bit of plugins (you do gotta watch what version
they work with, etc.) and it's open source, so anyone can add
anything.  Hands down beats the crap outta webct and blackboard.

Haven't messed with blackboard in years, so take it with a grain,
but I've messed with webCT off and on, and it's just lame how
much they want for the software.  It isn't that special.  Nope. No
way, no how.

Mostly I love that it's open source, has a crapload of users (which
is a good part of a good OS package) and mailing lists with help
full and like minded whatnots.

This is a heart issue, mostly.  Moodle has heart.  WebCT and BB
lack it.  Money and education shouldn't be so tied together.

Or maybe they should.  Eh.  CF seems to work, and it's a "pay"
type deal... eh.  Whatever.

Big strong vote for Moodle over here.  Education should be open.

Or not.

Well, with that bit of enlightenment, I'm outties to catch up a bit.

On 1/10/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> another question -- does anyone have any thoughts or experience with
> this? They are considering it as an alternative to WebCT.
> thanks
> Dana

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