I don't see anybody sticking there head in the sand. But the Al Gore
approach that it'll be over in ten years is ridiculous. Now that
weather channel woman is saying remove peoples credentials if they
doubt sudden disaster. Let's be reasonable about it and make changes
without destroying the economy. I wouldn't mind banning SUVs but I
don't think the government should do it. How about making a law that
you can't use a jet to go to a global warming presentation. My carbon
footprint doesn't haunt me :)

On 1/24/07, Cameron Childress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's actually a theory out there about the melting of the ice
> sheets in the north atlantic causing colder weather in the Northern
> parts of the Hemisphere (NY, UK, France) and warmer weather in the
> south (US Bread Basket, Southern States, etc).
> No, we don't totally understand it yet, and one, two or 10,000 years
> of evidence may not be enough to understand it.  We will really only
> fully understand it after it's already happened.
> Till then, I hope we don't stick out heads in the sand under the guise
> of "let's do nothing because we aren't completely sure we understand
> it".

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