What a legacy -

Increases USA military budget to surpass that of all other nations 
combined. (in the late 1990's we only out spent the next 10 countries 
combined, "China, Germany, Russia, Japan, France, UK, etc..")

increases military tours to a record 15 months

decreases FMLA?

Maybe we can get enact some legislation to Bush a third term so that he 
is still in office when the country goes financially bankrupt, I'm not 
sure we are not already morally bankrupt thanks to the moral majority 
and those who put knucklehead in office.

Gruss Gott wrote:
> Health Care: Family Leave Under Fire?
> Newsweek
> March 26, 2007 issue - When President Bill Clinton signed the Family
> and Medical Leave Act in 1993, workers-rights groups were thrilled.
> The law allows eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid
> leave for the birth of a child, to cope with a serious illness or to
> care for a relative without losing their jobs. Supporters say the
> landmark legislation has already helped more than 50 million families,
> and they have hopes of expanding the act to make some of that leave
> paid.
> But as the clock ticks down on the Bush administration, labor
> advocates fear there are plans afoot to scale back family leave.
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17662280/site/newsweek/

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