>In America is it ok for someone to do something repeatedly and each time
>they say sorry and that makes it ok?
>Sure you can forgive, but that doesn't absolve the person from facing the
>penalties if any for the action in the first place.
>Imus was wrong. He apologized, some forgave him...but that does not mean he
>does not have to pay the penalties, if any, for his actions.

I think that's an important point. I think a big difference here is that Imus 
and others on the show have a bad track record for racist comments. His 
producer for instance followed up his comments on the Rutgers team with a 
statement of the game being "the jigaboos versus the wannabes." There's also a 
big difference between a comment directed at a group of people in general...and 
one directed at a *specific* group of people...in this case, a group of young 
women who were so totally undeserving of such comments. Imus' original attempts 
at "apology" as well came off pretty badly...not really seeming to show any 
understanding of how truly inappropriate the comments were and making a comment 
to Sharpton about "you people". Not exactly the best thing to do if you want 
people to believe you're not racist. If this was a first-time incident and he'd 
truly seemed repentetant and understanding of how bad the remarks were, that I 
think would have been a very different situation. 

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