isn't that pretty much the same for anybody?  Some people choose
unions to follow, some people choose a religion to follow, some people
choose Howard Stern to follow.  I can't see a reason why one would be
any better than the other.  Some may change their pov more often than
others.  Some never change their pov.  Again ,I can't say which one is
better.  Had we always stuck to our "values", we'd never have figured
out that the earth does revolve around the sun and other minor things
like that.

Plus, what constitutes as a flip-flopper.  If Bush vetos this budget
proposal, but then doesn't veto the next one that has no timelines,
doesn't that make him a flip-flopper.  Afterall, he was for the
funding bill before he was against it and then will be for it again.

My take on it is that "flip-flopper" has become a meaningless word
because pretty much anyone in Washington could be considered a
flip-flopper based on voting patterns.

On 4/19/07, Russel Madere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The guys I know are truly flipfloppers.  My sister is one.  Her guiding 
> virtue is whatever her union tells her.  She proudly proclaims that.  She has 
> no other guiding princliple.
> > > Russ wrote:
> > > I will admit that there are republicans (i.e. Schwarzenager) out
> > there that do the same, but I rarely,if ever, see Libertarians pull
> > that move.
> >
> > I think you're confusing dropping values with prioritizing values.
> > For example, I'm fiscally conservative and usually vote for
> > Republicans on the state level because they at least try to keep my
> > taxes low.
> >
> > However I'll change that vote if someone threatens my liberty.  Like
> > Gonzo.  Or Bush.
> >
> > Maybe there are people that are as you say, but as you've described
> > it
> > they seem more like prioritizers.

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