Sorry, I should have been more specific. Our LMS, which cannot be updated until the semester break, is telling anyone using the current version of the Java runtime environment (J2SE 1.6.0) that they are using an unsupported Java version.
Every time they click a control of any kind they get a window saying this, which insists on being closed before anything else can be clicked. My own reaction was near-homicidal rage, and you should hear some of the tech support calls ;) The temporary work around is to uninstall and go back a version to version 5 update 10 or 11 -- but see, we are getting calls about Vista now. New Gateways are shipping with IE7 and Windows Vista. Be afraid. Anyway what I really need is screen shots of these steps, ie the new Add/Remove Programs. If they are wrong of course, I would like to know that too. But that is what got the last caller fixed, once he calmed down enough to tell me what he was looking at. thanks Dana > I could really use some screen shots for the following set of > instructions: > > Windows Vista -- How to uninstall Java 6. Add and Remove Programs is > no longer where it used to be. To get to where you can do this, go to > Control Panel Home. Switch to Classic View if necessary. Find > Programs and Features, and here you can uninstall Java 6. > > The computer I had my beta copy on came to a bad end.... > > Thanks Dana ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2 Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: