Sharepoint isn't just an app, it is a framework. It isn't just ODBC to get
some data, it is the complete integration of the system.

The Integration with e-mail, outlook, MS Office. All of those things.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:30 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Sharepoint (was: Is CF dying? (Of course not!))
> > ...  Have you seen (from the inside) what you can do with SharePoint
> > and ASP.NET?  Or Workflow Foundation and ASP.NET?  It all dovetails
> > beautifully with ASP.NET to create some pretty amazing stuff.  And
> the
> > development environment is awesome.  And it's all *free*!
> I'd love to see the free version of Sharepoint do something usefull.
> We're using it here because my boss needed something to keep track of
> projects while the company as a whole (web is a part of the business,
> not the whole and there's a complete ERP system in place) figures out
> where it's going with upgrading the 15 year old ERP package we're
> using now (LOGIC).
> I know we're not using Sharepoint correctly but what we've got BLOWS
> CHUNKS!  Even if it were set up properly it's simply an app running
> off a SQL Server database, I see no reason why ANY platform that can
> connect with ODBC couldn't be used to interface with the data created.

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