How long will the information be stored? And what will it be used for?

I guess there should be no 'Anti Stalking' legislation either, since
most movie stars are in public spaces when they are followed. And, if
they are in a public place, what's the harm in having someone stare at
them. No problem there.

Similarly, if there's a cop watching you while you sit at a restaurant
eating lunch, there's no problem there either.

Or is it that you don't even think about it? That every hour of the
day, every minute of your 'public' life you are being monitored.

I suppose you wouldn't mind being forced to wear an armband everytime
you leave your house either, or if each person was assigned a 'Minder'
as soon as they left home.After all, you're in the Public and
therefore everyone should know everything about you.

On 5/23/07, James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When was the last time you looked up paranoid in a dictionary?

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