The punishment definitely fits the crime.  Jailtime is standard for
anyone who commits those crimes and subsequently refuses to obey the
court's orders.  Part of the whole reason she's in jail is that when
trusted to obey the court's orders she blatantly disobeyed them.  Why
should the judge think that letting her out on house arrest would be
any different?

Lame Judge: "Okay Paris, I know you didn't obey my last 5 orders, but
I am willing to trust that for some reason now you will do what I say.
 Now stop with that pouty face - this time I really really really
really mean it.  You're grounded - now go to your mansion and don't
come out for 45 days."

Good Judge: "Jail time - bu-bye...."


On 6/9/07, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paris being in a jail does no one any good.
> It's simply because society is sadistic and malicious that she's being
> forced to go into a jail.
> House arrest for a longer period would have been just fine for the
> level of crime she committed.

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