>Anybody read this book?
>Pretty convincing if you ask me and, if I understand him correct, the
>next end of civilization is predicted to be Dec 23rd, 2012.

People have been "scientifically" predicting the end of the world to the day 
for centuries... we're still around.

>If you read the book, it's not some mumbo-jumbo, but due to
>gravitational influences that will cause a crust shift in the Earth
>(as predicted by Einstein in 1953).

That sounds like Mumbo Jumbo to me.  ;^)

And let's not slur Einstein: he didn't "predict" this (and even if he did he 
would never do it to the DAY!)  In fact all he did was passingly agree with 
another scientist that his theory "impressive" and seemed (to him) correct.  No 
predictions were made and this wasn't Einstein's theory (or indeed even his 
field of study!)

Einstein was a scientist and this was 1953.  Most modern understanding of the 
Earth's crust came later (Plate Techtonics didn't become widely accepted until 
the mid 1960's).  Einstein was (as are all scientists) often wrong and he 
changed his mind based on new evidence - taking a quote from him out of time 
and applying it to modern understanding is doing him a disservice.

The theory of crustal displacement has not stood the test of time.  It's been 
falsified by modern data collection.  In any case, even it were still an open 
debate the idea that it could ever be predicted to the exact day and year is 
pretty peposterous.

The specificity of the prediction alone sets my bullshit detector clanging.

Jim Davis

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