And as a counter to your feel-good story, there's a guy running around
Wisconsin and Illinois who is feeding false weather spotter reports to the
media. They have resulted in false tornado warnings and generally incorrect
information being reported as factual. This puts lives at risk.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why some asshole would want to do
this. Apparently it's a felony if they ever catch the loser.

On 6/12/07, Dana Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just wanted to point out a story that probably didn't make the news
> elsewhere.
> A very violent storm spawned a tornado here the other day. These are
> almost unheard of in New Mexico, as the mountains break up the plains and
> there really isn't room for them to run. Nonetheless, one formed in a very
> rural area and was reported by a citizen. It was confirmed and the emergency
> alert went out within minutes, and within only a few minutes more the state
> police shut down a section of I-25 until the tornado passed over it. Result
> - a non-event where there could conceivably have been ugly casualties. The
> stretch of highway in question is a steep climb up a cliff face.
> I'm not much for gee whiz, and I wasn't there, but I do travel this piece
> of road every day and was really impressed by the response to a threat there
> would have been good reason to not plan for.

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