a comfortable lifejacket can be worn all day, and never bother you.
an uncomfortable one tends to be left on the floor of the boat, which
does you no good when suddenly in the water.

You need to figure out if it is a safety device (boating or fishing),
or a sports device (gonna spend lots of time in the water, like
waterskiing), as there are features and price points for different

That would be my suggestion for a gift. And buy yourself one, if you
can. I have one in my jeep all the time, just in case i find myself
near a boat (I'm a medium-large guy who loves comfort)

On 6/14/07, Paul Ihrig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey my buddy just bought a boat.
> he has like 7 life vests but none fit him / me very well..
> he has done a TON of stuff helping me out with the house.
> his b-day is coming up..
> and i was thinking of grabing him either a life vest - neporene.. not
> sure what a good brand is..
> went to dicks and checked out a few. some are comfy..
> or a copy of Garmin Waterways for his gps - but i hear the software sucks...
> ideas?

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