how would you know if your site was accessible to a screen reader? Short of 
actually running it through? I always thought it was a matter of making sure 
that images had text descriptions and that essential information was not hidden 
in pictures

>So... what do people feel about "separate but equal", as in, a text-only
>version of a site?  I think one should strive for excellence in all areas,
>so I understand trying to make everything accessible, but I've always
>been under the impression that a text only version of a site would be
>easier for things like lynx to browse.
>But is that, um, tacky?  It just now dawned on me that perhaps having
>everything generated, and being able to target various run-times (from
>black and white to flash) isn't "where it's at". Perhaps it should be spent
>checking that the "same thing" renders good in black and white, low res,
>with the color green missing, etc..
>It boils down to a link somewhere saying "text-only version" and some browser
>detection, vs. knowing google will pull the right version of a page for someone
>(for instance).
>Or are there ways to tell google - oh, I bet there are! Hmmm... eh.
>Can you even get away with that?:  "Here is a plain version, don't complain
>about flash, because no matter what, that's accessible" type of deal?
>Been debating it in my head for a bit now, as I've watched the different
>tech come along... guess the screen-readers are getting pretty sophisticated,
>and whatnot... there's some specs, (how supported,  dunno.)...
>I've always liked the idea of text only versions for some reason...  eh.
>On 6/13/07, Nick McClure wrote:

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