+1! On 7/2/07, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I disagree with 90% of this, but it's still interesting and I still > > agree with the let-the-market-solve-it idea > > The libertarian in me screams: "This isn't a federal problem to solve!" and > that's my general leaning. > > But at the same time the article sickens me. Not only is it incredibly > biased and insulting but it's also unpatriotic. > > We should be ridiculously upset with American auto manufacturers if they are > honestly claiming that they can't do as well as foreign companies. For them > to suggest (and for this author to not only give them a pass on it but > encourage them) that we're incapable is an insult to America. > > Nearly every "Japanese" you see on the road here is made here: American > factories, American workers and in many cases American designers and > engineers. I'm not sure of the numbers but how many American cars are > produced in Mexico? > > So much federal legislation has been passed to help American auto-makers. So > many bail-outs and cope-outs. If the Japanese can do it better, cheaper then > shame on us. > > So to sum up: > > a) Government should get back to governing and get out of the free market. > > b) Detroit needs to stop whining and man-up - because if there truly was a > free market they'd be roasted alive. > > Jim Davis > >
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