so now I have a family question of my own.

My daughter won Grand Champion at the USKA Nationals. She is eligible
for the World Championships, to be held in New Orleans in early

So far this has been primarily bragging material. Her dojo has made
the travel arrangements for the tournaments she has been to. I have
contributed towards gas.
However, it seems that the dojo has been the subject of some sort of
very bad management dispute coupled with allegations of financial
mismanagement and a move to another location. The dojo is saying that
they will *not* be sending a van.

So. I am looking for ways to make this work, so here are the questions
about that:

The Hilton -- is this right downtown? OK neighborhood? My daughter is
turning 15 and we have very little street crime in Albuquerque. I do
not think she is ready for New Orleans by herself (in answer to can
she be put on a plane). I am sure the French Quarter is ok, but it is
close to some bad areas, yes? Easy to make a wrong turn?

I need to research airfares. Driving is out as I figure, well San
Antonio is a tough two-day drive from Albuquerque, so we are looking
at three days minimum four to be safe. Double that and it's too much
time off work.

Other questions:

She has been invited to go to Mexico with a friend and the friend's
family. They have a condo in San Carlos. The dates conflict.

She says she would rather go to Mexico. I say that if you are eligible
for the Worlds in anything, you really should go. She says she will
always have her belt (blue) but that her friend might not always be

I don't understand..... She has been to San Carlos before. The friend
lives right over the mountain pass. The friend's family cannot move
the Mexico trip back because she is starting school ::eyeroll, see
previous comments:: My take on this is that if Lara is willing to give
up a World competition and the friend is not willing to give up a few
days of school at the beginning of the grade 10, Lara is putting a lot
more weight on this than the friend is.

So perhaps the situation is a bit unhealthy anyway and I should not
allow the Mexico trip in any event.

Supposing I should change my mind about this, is there such a thing as
an airplane from New Orleans to the San Carlos area?

All thoughts and suggestiosn appreciated, cause I am kinda floored...


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