> gMoney wrote:
> Hell just look at our current president...even when has a good idea (SS
> privatization), he can't articulate it well and it eventually dies.

Well it's not just that but what's characterized at best as
"ideological" and at worst as blatant  lying.

Take the UN for example: lots of people here (me included) believe the
UN in it's current state is  dysfunctional.  Therefore when the
weapons inspectors speak, for example, people are skeptical.

But Pres Bush has been the UN's best friend: pre-Iraq he took the
"trust me, the UN is broken" approach.  No nobody believes him anymore
so the UN, comparatively, looks better.  (That is, they may be
incompetent, but at least the weapons inspectors haven't outright lied
to my knowledge)

You can trust an incompetent because you know he'll feck up (The UN),
but you can't trust an incompetent liar (Bush).

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