Every religion and sect says that.  Live with it.

>He leads a large community of faith, but what he, and you are failing to
>realize is that saying "my faith is better than your faith, and if you don't
>convert to Catholicism you're going to burn" is divisive, it only serves to
>alienate and burn bridges. He's not gaining anything by saying it publicly.

They say it all of the time.  I say it every Sunday when praying at Mass.  Big 

>You'd be screaming at the top of your lungs if the head of the Southern
>Baptist Church in America, or the head of the Methodist Church, or if the
>Dalai Lama said it. Why is it OK, for the Pope to say it?


>I'd love to see a time where Jews, Christians, Muslims and Catholics
>suddenly realized "Hey we all worship the same god.... what in the heck are
>we fighting about" that won't happen as long as statements like Benedict's
>are made publicly, regardless of it being some archaic "official" doctrine.

I'll accept that, but his Papacy had a major roll in the final outcome.  

>John Paul II was a political force within the labor unions of Poland long
>before he was pope, he's credited for helping crush communism in Poland
>because of that, not singularly because he was pope. Lech Walesa's (sp?)
>role was just as large. 


>I do find it interesting that Benedict's statement came a couple weeks
>before the announcement of the largest settlement of priestial (sp?) sexual
>abuse in history. Could he be trying to stem a tide of people leaving the
>Catholic Church ?

When did I say he spoke for God.  The Bible and personal prayer does that.  The 
Pope leads us by his example and helps clarify doctrinal points.  I will say he 
acts for God, just as the Apostles and Disciples did, but speak for God, no.  
That idea is a creation of Martin Luther, Calvin, etc.

>I'm not Catholic, I was raised in a liberal Protestant (Calvinist?) church,
>(Christian Church, Disciples of Christ), so the pope holds no power over me,
>in my heart he doesn't speak for God, only God can do that. 

Only those who don't realize how Catholics look at him.

>But the pope is
>a very public figure, with millions who take his words as absolute,
>empirical truth, with that amount of power he can create or burn bridges to
>other faiths and creeds, he's chosen to burn them.

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